What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

These terms are often used interchangeably and both fall under the umbrella of ‘talk therapies’. The difference between the two is debated.

Counselling may involve short-term sessions for a specific challenge that you may be facing. Therapy may be open-ended or longer term with more in-depth exploration for varied and complex issues.

It is worthwhile to check with prospective counsellors and therapists what their approach is.

I have been trained in both approaches and work in collaboration with you to find the most suitable approach that works for you.

How do i know if therapy is working for me?

Each client’s experience in therapy will be different. You might find that you are feeling worse before feeling better. This is very natural as you start to address difficult material and feelings. However, some of the signs that therapy is working include:

  • starting to feel better - this could be subtle shifts in your emotional wellbeing, your challenges or issues feeling more manageable, finding more joy in your daily life or feeling more settled in yourself and in relationships.

  • feeling understood and heard by your therapist. You feel safe and can trust your therapist.

  • developing greater self-awareness and an understanding of your patterns of thinking and behaviour.

  • being able to sit with or tolerate more uncomfortable feelings and emotions.

  • not being as hard on yourself as before and getting more comfortable with the ups and downs in life.

How long do sessions last and how regularly will we meet?

Sessions last for 50 minutes. We will meet weekly at the same time unless agreed otherwise.

How much do you charge for sessions?

The initial 20 minute introductory call is free.

I charge £70 for each session. I do offer a reduced fee depending on your income and financial circumstances. Please get in touch with me to find out more.

What if I need to cancel a session?

I have a 48 hour cancellation policy. I will make every effort to rearrange a session if needed.

Is what we talk about confidential?

I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and as abide by their Ethical Framework. For more details please see:  www.bacp.co.uk/ethical-framework

Everything we are going to talk about during the sessions will remain confidential.

However, there are a few exceptions to this including if you are at risk of seriously harming yourself or others, safeguarding issues and prevention or detection of a serious crime.

I am in regular supervision in accordance with professional guidelines and may share anonymised content with my supervisor. This also ensures my work is supervised and I continue to provide a good service to you.

Do you work with couples?

I currently work with individual adults (18+) and not with couples. I am happy to refer some of my colleagues who work with couples if this helps.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.